Growing Christians
Growing Christians are like the tree in Psalm 1:3 which had been growing by the rivers of water, flourishing, and bearing fruit. This growth comes from being nourished and fed by the Word of God which will strengthen you and build you up. However, some Christians are saved, but they’re not growing. They’re like a tree that lacks water and nourishment, it slowly withers and dies.
Growing Christians come to know the kind of victory and joy God has for them. Until you learn to be a growing Christian, (that means you grow on toward maturity) you will age with time, but you can be spiritually immature for a long time. There are Christians who stay spiritually immature their whole life.
Are you a growing Christian?
A growing Christian loves Jesus Christ more today than you did yesterday. Do you know and does your love for Jesus Christ grow stronger and stronger as the days, weeks and years go by? If it isn’t then you are a back sliding Christian and your love for Him like the unnourished tree will also wither and die.
What are you reflecting on?
One of the first signs that you are growing in Christ is you reflect about what Jesus has done on your behalf and you praise Him for it. You think about how your sins are forgiven and you have eternal life. What a glorious thought!
Where is your life headed
Even though you’re saved, that’s only the beginning you have to keep moving forward. You develop a hunger and thirst for the Word by putting the Word first place in your everyday life. You become a strong warrior to the glory of God through bible reading, studying, memorizing and praying.
Become an active member in a local church. Get active in the ministries of the church like Sunday school or study groups. This will make the devil afraid of you and you become an over-comer instead of being overcome.
Don’t sit on the sidelines begin exhorting and encouraging one another to commit their lives to following Christ and also participating in active service for our Lord!
Moving forward is beginning to witness.
This is a mark of a growing Christian, just as someone witnessed to you and led you to Christ, so you need to do the same also and start multiplying yourself (what God did in you) by sharing your testimony with others, you evangelize and disciple others. You don’t want to stand before the throne of God alone you want to be standing with those you have witnessed to and led to Christ?
Moving forward your goal is to be like the Lord Jesus Christ, a Christian who can reproduce, has fatherly wisdom, and as a father, meet the needs of others, be an encourager, an exhorter, a teacher. Commitment and obedience will be paramount in your daily walk with the Lord as you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you.